EDF Energy hub

Helping EDF Energy customers identify potential energy savings and take action.

  • A screenshot showing graphs of months and the total energy use for each month. THere's also an energy breakdown showing what has used the most energy.

    Powering the people

    Unlocking the power of smart meters for the customers who have them installed is what EDF’s energy hub is all about.
    I worked with a small team to deliver energy insights for people who want to lower their bills and lessen their carbon footprint.

  • A screenshot from the EDF Energy Hub. Icons and text show popular energy usage areas such as heating, hot water and home entertainment

    Energy saving advice

    We highlighted the most popular energy usage areas to offer advice on how people can save money.
    We also added guidance on what can be done for free, cheaply or that need an investment.

  • An energy advice page on EDF Energy hub. The page explains how to bleed your radiators

    Advice that's nice

    Quick and simple advice on how to make you more efficient is vital in creating behavioural change.
    I worked on short, informational pieces to give people either quick guidance or direct them to where they can learn more.